Our Story

Hello! My name is Mark Neudorff. I am seventy and celebrated 50 years of marriage to my high school sweetheart, Emilia. We are native Californians and have lived in the San Fernando Valley for our adult lives. After nine years of marriage, unable to have children, we began the process of adoption. Our home quickly filled with five children from two families.
At one of the most hectic times in our lives, my wife conceived, and on
March 28th, 1987, the Lord blessed us with a daughter, filling our quiver to six. As only God could plan, our youngest became the glue that has bonded all our kids since that glorious day. We were recently blessed with our sixteenth grandchild.
Why Neighbors United?
Emilia and I love our community, state, and country. We were raised by the greatest generation, who taught us to respect our elders, volunteer to help others and raise our children with an understanding of God.
Despite our nation's imperfection, they instilled a sense of national pride and the effort required from us to maintain our Republic.
For decades, we lived accordingly, obeying the law, voting, and helping numerous community service organizations.
Without a second thought, we believed, and still do, that most Californians and Americans share these values. We were confident that this blessed and great nation would be passed on to our children and grandchildren. Unfortunately, in a span of less than ten years, their American birthright is in serious jeopardy.
In that short timeframe, we witnessed liberalism being supplanted by progressive and socialist ideology. In states governed by radicals, we have seen our vote diluted and insanity prevailing with the pushing of the Green New Deal, DEI, Gender Identity, and other bizarre programs. These discouraging facts are being executed intentionally by malicious leadership, an apathetic and ignorant electorate, and a media that has lost its moral compass.
Because of all we have been given by our Creator, I have determined to act responsibly and with love to my neighbors. It is a great honor to live during these challenging times and to be a part of bringing sanity and fear of God back to our community, state, and nation.
And, regardless of our efforts, I will sleep soundly at night, knowing God's Plan will unfold and my eternity is secure.