The United States has always engaged in
robust debate. At times, the verbal dialog
spilled over into contentious, hateful
remarks and violence. In a secular world, that is what happens.
Fortunately, in our democracy, conflicts have been resolved by the rule of law and common sense, which has served us well for almost 250 years.
Neighbors United
Time Squares
After thousands of years, the traditional methods of speaking with family and friends have been replaced by keystrokes for words and a monitor for body language. Still, despite how the Internet and social media have been misused, this technology has the potential to be the most efficient and effective method of positively educating and communicating ever devised.
Neighbors United consistently seeks ways to improve online learning and discussion forums. We've analyzed multiple platforms and tried to extract the best from each. Our chat rooms, Town Squares, are organized, easy-to-learn, and monitored, safe spaces to make friends while sharing information and opinions. Any member can participate in the Public Town Squares. In addition, we have Private Town Squares, which may allow member participation but could also be invitation-only.
You must be a member to post in our Town Squares.